Almost kinda reminds me
Ya ever see that music video "take on me" by Ah ha? Thats what it reminded me of, only without the catch 80's song........I'll be gone in a day or twoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Almost kinda reminds me
Ya ever see that music video "take on me" by Ah ha? Thats what it reminded me of, only without the catch 80's song........I'll be gone in a day or twoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Poket political monsters
Gonna be really funny when that "generated crisis" Joe Biden was talking about evolves our nation into a police state! ha ha ha
Save the vegetables!
Those vegetables wont like McCain so much when he takes away their constitutional rights also. Of course if we don't vote for our rights, we do not deserve them.
Ron Paul for president or the other 4 people who profess the constitution!
May be a joke now
Nice animation and well executed but according to these last few posts, economic or political cartoons are not funny. How ever I thought it was very hilarious because I keep up on this kind of thing. So let them millionair bankers cry, I just don't have 700 billion to pull out of my ass to "stem the crisis"
I hadn't even been paying attention to the whole 'credit crunch' happenings when I animated this, and even now I don't generally take notice of it.
Lesser of 2 evils is not good enough
Can anyone tell me if either McCain or Obama follow the constitution? If either one of them are elected, will we still be borrowing money from China to fund either a war with Iran or Russia? Will we still have military presence in 130 different nations? Will the executive branch retain it's unfair authority it has now or will the people finaly have influence in our government like our nation's founder's intended? If neither canidate support and recognize the Bill of rights, they have no bussiness running America, because i have heared both of them speak, McCain wants war and Obama's speach in Berlin said we were citizens of the world, and they will both surrender our national soverignty in order to unite the world under the rule of law(not the law that we decide in our government). I'm voting for Ron Paul who wants to limit government authority, stop policing the world, who will never start a war without congressional aproval, and start working to pull us out of the debt thats hurting the value of our dollar.
So true
The wire taps were illegal, so people were sueing the telecom companys. The new FISA bill that was passed a short while ago actually gives immunity to them now! Basicaly it means if you rob a bank today, they can pass a bill tomorow that makes it legal and your forgiven!
btw that "eyes" thing freaked me out but its even scarier knowing we don't see them directly.
Make the system work
I remember an add when Bush was running for president over 8 years ago, he said he wouldn't try to police the world, start wars or get into nation building! ha ha ha It's obvious that McCain's values are similar to Bush but then Obama did vote for the new FISA bill as well as McCain, so neither canidate is looking good to me now. Anyone who votes against my constitutional rights is against the ideals that made us America in the first place. We all should vote for someone who believes in protecting the bill of rights. Unfortunatly Fox news demonized the one man who never once voted to circumvent our rights.
I see says the blind man as he pees into the wind. It's all coming back to me now.
Age 46, Male
Authentic Ancient Arts
Joined on 2/1/03